Robert J. Nader, Esquire  •  Office 813.731.7750  •  Web:

2605 W. Jetton Avenue, Tampa, Florida 33629  •  Florida Mediator Certification No: 5368FRA

                 For court ordered, consensual or pre-suit mediations and

 arbitrations, please send Bob an email, or call, with several

proposed dates and times, and he will get back with you

promptly. (  or  813.731.7750)

                 Your choice of venue, or space available at:

                        The Court Reporter Offices of Michael Musetta & Associates

                              One Tampa City Center

                              201 N. Franklin Street, Suite 3400

                              Tampa, FL 33602

                        The Chester H. Ferguson Law Center

                              1610 N. Tampa Street

                              Tampa, FL 33602

                        Private and Confidential Zoom Technology